A lady's prerogative
Sleeping around sliming: Jennifer Aniston gets ripped where Clooney or DiCapriowould draw backslaps
- A lot of people want to date Jennifer Aniston. Why can't she say yes to a few?
- George Clooney and ...Photo by Nicolas Genin
- Leonardo DiCaprio are celebrated for the same behavior.
Jennifer Aniston is getting plenty of attention for dating a number of different men in the same week. And it's hardly all flattering. One publication declared that everyone's favorite former Friend is "bouncing like a tennis ball from men to men."
Aniston's crime?
She enjoyed a romantic dinner with Chris Gartin — a working actor who's nothing close to a movie star — a few days after going out with Hard Rock heir Harry Morton, Lindsay Lohan's ex boyfriend. And ... she hasn't settled down since Brad Pitt!
All right, alert the authorities.
Some are already apparently sizing Aniston up for a scarlet letter. Which is interesting considering that whenever George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio do this sort of thing (date a few hot people at the same time), they're treated like man's man role models. If it was possible to deliver a fawning backslap in a headline, George and Leo would be bruised from all the ones they received for their various conquests over the years.
Look, I'm anything but a raging feminist. I consider some of arguments of CultureMap crusader Sarah Rufca to be semi ridiculous (you can't point out when an athlete's performance suffers in the wake of a new relationship or wife, you can't support PETA because the organization features naked women, etc ...), but in this case the double standard is too blatant to ignore.
The 41-year-old Aniston is a mega beauty who is ultra rich. Newsflash: She's a major catch. Of course, a ton of guys are going to be interested in dating her. She's going to go out occasionally. Everyone is just going to have to deal.
Without writing things like this (from Entertainment Biz!): "Jennifer Aniston hasn’t quite found her next Brad Pitt. In fact, she is being served and volleyed from one court to another like a tennis ball as she bumps from man to man."
When does Aniston get a fist bump?