The unedited transcript
Jonathan Novack tells (almost) all: Why he left Channel 2 and who will be thelast man standing on The Bachelorette
- Jonathan Novack
- Ali Fedotowsky
- Novack will appear on "Bachelor Pad," which premieres Aug. 9
- Novack predicts Roberto Martinez might be the last man standing on "TheBachelorette"Photo by Rick Rowell/ABC
Since he was dumped by Ali Fedotowsky in the latest edition of The Bachelorette, Jonathan Novack has been kept under wraps by Warner Bros. officials because he will appear in another reality series, Bachelor Pad, premiering Aug. 9. But the former Channel 2 weatherman came out of hiding for a telephone interview with a small group of reporters, arranged by ABC, which airs both shows.
Here's the unedited transcript:
Operator: And you are live with Jonathan.
Cathy Rehl: Jonathan?
Jonathan Novack: Hello.
Cathy Rehl: Hi. Jonathan you’re on the line with a whole bunch of reporters who want to talk to you. This is Jonathan Novack ...
Jonathan Novack: Hello whole bunch of reporters, how you doing?
Cathy Rehl: NOVA, I’m sorry, N O V A C K and I think we’ll get right into the questions and answers with Jonathan.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen if you would like to ask your question please press star then the number 1.
Your first question is from Amanda Hamilton with
Jonathan Novack: Hey.
Amanda Hamilton: Hi, Jonathan how are you today?
Jonathan Novack: Great, how you doing?
Amanda Hamilton: Good thank you. From your point of view what do you think went wrong between you and Ali?
Jonathan Novack: I guess it would be one of two things maybe. There was just not a chemistry there. Whether or not that was a result of not spending enough time with her, I’m not sure if there would have been chemistry even if we had had more time. But maybe there would have been. So I would say in the end really it was just the spark wasn’t there unfortunately.
Amanda Hamilton: And just a follow-up, how do you feel about your spot on Bachelor Padand about going into another house with (inaudible).
Cathy Rehl: I should tell you that Jonathan cannot talk, I’m sorry I should have said this up front, he may not talk at all about anything to do with Bachelor Pad at this point, OK. Sorry about that.
Amanda Hamilton: That’s OK.
Cathy Rehl: We’ll have another, he’ll have another opportunity to do that but just, he won't be able to talk about it today.
Amanda Hamilton: OK, how about then how did you feel about being in the house with Craig? I mean we kind of heard Craig’s side of the story now let’s hear yours.
Jonathan Novack: I, you know, there's a couple of things I guess I could say because you don’t, there's just, it’s a two-hour show, so you don’t get to see all that happens but it wasn’t just me that he was starting with and so if it had been, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. But it was Jesse, it was Justin, it was Jesse be it with Justin, it was other guys, too, and so I just felt like it was a problem just for the house and it was somebody, You know, if it was your daughter, that wouldn’t be a guy that you would want her to see or date.
And you don’t see all the times that like I defended myself pretty well and I think any guy in house will agree that I'd come back with great comebacks and I'd knock him back down, everybody would laugh and everything but when he started, almost started a fist fight with Jesse which you see a little bit of that, that’s where I thought it was starting to get out of hand. And somebody needed to say something.
Amanda Hamilton: Great thank you for your time today.
Jonathan Novack: Thank you.
Operator: Your next question is from Paulette Cohn for ET Online.
Paulette Cohn: OK, sticking with the Craig subject, it kind of made you be portrayed as this tattle tale. Did you feel that you were portrayed correctly? And was that part of the experience for you?
Jonathan Novack: Well, I think it depends on who you ask. Some people may see it that way, some people may not. I mean again you don’t see a lot that happens. Craig wasn’t the only guy I didn’t like in the house, but I didn’t say anything about these other guys because I’m a person who speaks his mind and I don’t talk trash about people but I legitimately thought there was a problem there with Craig being in this house and especially when the Jesse thing happened and that went on all night. I mean you can only see so much in a two-hour episode. But that went on all night.
Producers had to keep pulling Craig away because he kept trying to get Jesse to basically punch him. And someone like that, that’s why I used the word dangerous because someone who’s trying to get into physical fights with other guys in the house, I mean what’s he going to do in a relationship with Ali.
So that’s, I wasn’t trying to be a tattle tale obviously it wasn’t a strategic thing because he obviously wasn’t going to be sticking around very long, he wasn’t there for her, so in the end you can only conclude that my intentions were sincere.
Paulette Cohn: So, you’re a public figure anyway, you’re a weatherman, what has the reaction been like when you went back home.
Jonathan Novack: It’s really funny, I've been doing the weather here in Houston for three years and I don’t really get recognized very much. I’m on like one episode of The Bachelorette and now everybody is coming up to me after one episode, and I thought it was hilarious, I’m like don’t you people watch the news? I guess not.
So that’s been kind of interesting. I think overall it’s been pretty positive. People have been saying, “oh we were rooting for you, we were pulling for you,” and I just finished up in my station here at the NBC affiliate so my contract ran down so I’m not there anymore and people saying that they miss me doing the weather and come back to channel 2, come back to NBC and all this stuff, but in general it’s all been positive. No milkshakes thrown at me like in the movie the weather man so that’s good.
Paulette Cohn: Great, thank you.
Operator: Your next question is from Chris Rocchio from Reality TV World.
Chris Rocchio: Hey Jonathan.
Jonathan Novack: Hey what’s going on?
Chris Rocchio: Not much, so you came across I guess as for lack of a better work, nervous a lot of times when you were with Ali alone, could you comment on that a little bit. Did you feel nervous? Was that just the way it came across?
Jonathan Novack: I’m sorry what was the, I was, what was the second part of the question?
Chris Rocchio: Were you really that nervous or was it just ...
Jonathan Novack: I'll tell you, there were times I was nervous, but most of the time I was just having fun getting to go out on these dates with Ali. Most of the time, I was having a really good experience getting to know some of these guys who I became friends with. The most nerve-wracking parts were the rose ceremonies if anything. I mean those are, those were stressful for everybody. I just tend to wear my heart on my sleeve so you probably saw it a little bit more than most people.
But I think, I'd say about three quarters of the time I was just having a great time and then when it came down to decision time, that’s where my nerves really sort of bubbled up.
Chris Rocchio: OK and just a follow-up on the Craig M. point ...
Jonathan Novack: Sure
Chris Rocchio: Do you think you talking to Ali about Craig M. do you think that played any role in her decision to let you go when she did?
Jonathan Novack: Actually if you remember the first episode she want, she brought out that box and she wanted guys to tell her who they thought was not there for the right reasons ...
Chris Rocchio: Yes.
Jonathan Novack: And so going into that conversation where I talked to her about Craig M. I double- checked and I made sure it was something she wanted to know, but she made it clear she wanted to know these types of things because of her past experience on The Bachelor where she knew there were things going on behind the scenes that Jake didn’t see. And so I was trying to respect that and inform her of these things that she just wasn’t getting the real inside scoop on.
For instance you’ve seen up till now the guys really don’t like Justin and she even said in the last episode, “hey I don’t see it.” But she does, she wants to know these things. And so that’s what I was trying to do, just give her the inside scoop on something she wanted to know about, and respect that.
Chris Rocchio: OK, all right, thanks.
Jonathan Novack: You’re welcome.
Operator: Your next question comes from Robyn Ross from
Jonathan Novack: Hello.
Robyn Ross: Hi, Jonathan. I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about the group date where you had to do the calendar to photo shoot and what was that was like.
Jonathan Novack: Well, what would you like to talk about that I wonder?
Robyn Ross: Well, did you feel like you got your outfit was unfairly chosen for you?
Jonathan Novack: Well, I couldn’t say it was unfair because other guys wore Speedos too, in fact I think Craig R's Speedo was a little bit worse. I look better in black than red but I was surprised. I thought I actually ended up looking pretty good in the Speedo. I was actually pleasantly surprised.
It’s just let me ask any guy, “hey you want to wear a Speedo?” they're not going to be like, “yes, let’s go for it.” They're going to be a little bit hesitant. And what really was, what really came across wasn’t as much the Speedo but I had asked for like a wardrobe change and you could see me kind of waiting then the girl says, “hey I'll check on that,” and I kept like asking and it was hard to find out who I should be speaking to about it and it just kind of went, it got dragged out and I’m like, that’s where I started kind of getting a little annoyed about it.
But in and of itself the Speedo, You know, it’s like whatever. I actually ended up thought I looked pretty good in it.
Robyn Ross: Yes, I thought you took it well too.
Jonathan Novack: Hey, thank you very much, appreciate that.
Robyn Ross: And then also a quick question, Kasey just got off the phone and said how he was best friends with all the guys in the house, best friends for life basically, how come you don’t feel the same?
Jonathan Novack: Well, I definitely do. I definitely do just not everybody, but I love Kasey I think he’s a good guy, I like Tyler V. He’s a hilarious guy. Hunter great guy, Jesse great guy, I mean all these guys are just fantastic. And yes I hope to be friends with them for life as well.
There are a few people I’m obviously not fond of like Craig M, some people I didn’t get to know that well like obviously the first night guys and a couple of the guys that got sent home the second night, I didn’t really get to know them at all, but from that point on from like the top, was it the top 14 ? I think it was, we all became really good friends. Especially the top 11 is where we all started bonding. So everybody pretty much in that group I expect to really will stay in touch with and will be friends with for a long time.
Robyn Ross: Great well good luck to you.
Jonathan Novack: Thank you very much.
Operator: Your next question is from Ingrid Sheaffer from Us Weekly.
Ingrid Sheaffer: Hi there Jonathan how are you today?
Jonathan Novack: Great how you doing?
Ingrid Sheaffer: I’m doing great. I just wanted to ask you do you think that Ali found love at the end of the show and who do you think she found it with?
Jonathan Novack: Good question. Did she find love?
Ingrid Sheaffer: Do you think she ended up with somebody, because some of the guys think she didn’t.
Jonathan Novack: You know, it’s interesting because I was surprised at the conversation she had with Chris at the last episode where she said she was a little scared to maybe open up and fall in love, I’m not sure of the exact words.
Ingrid Sheaffer: Right.
Jonathan Novack: And so I don’t know, that kind of, that kind of was interesting. I don’t know what will happen. If out of all the guys that I think she might be able to fall in love with, or fall in love with, I would think Roberto would be up there and maybe Kirk.
Of all the guys in the house I thought Roberto was the most standup, straight up like great guy, he was a very solid dude and I think she seems to see that in him. So I almost wonder if that’s going to be her pick.
Ingrid Sheaffer: OK, that’s a good ...
Jonathan Novack: But we shall see.
Ingrid Sheaffer: Good choice. I also wanted to ask you, you just said your contract was us at your station, are you going to keep being a weather man at another station?
Jonathan Novack: Well, I've don’t weather and I've also done entertainment though my last three stations, all kinds of franchise segments and entertainment reporting, right now I’m off contract, I just finished up last month and so I’m auditioning for both weather jobs and entertainment jobs, and I’m probably going to head out to LA here in the next couple of months and get back into standup comedy as well. Which is ...
Ingrid Sheaffer: Oh, wow ...
Jonathan Novack: Yes I used to do that a long time ago too so I've definitely just started this week I headed out to a bar here in Houston, so I’m getting back into standup on top of it all.
Ingrid Sheaffer: Well, great well if you come to LA ,I will definitely come see your show.
Jonathan Novack: Very cool, what’s your name again, I’m sorry.
Ingrid Sheaffer: My names Ingrid.
Jonathan Novack: Ingrid, nice to meet you, I'll talk to you later.
Ingrid Sheaffer: OK, definitely. Thanks.
Jonathan Novack: Bye, bye.
Operator: Your next question is from Al Mellis from TV Grapevine.
Jonathan Novack: Hello.
Al Mellis: Hey, Jonathan. How’s it hanging?
Jonathan Novack: Good. I don’t know. I'll wear my Speedo and I'll let you know. How you doing?
Al Mellis: Anyway Jonathan, what was all that fuss about kissing her in the music video in there?
Jonathan Novack: It was part, it was the scene. It was acting. You don’t get to see everything that happens, of course, I mean it’s a two-hour show and they shoot days, weeks of footage, but it was acting. If you look at the beginning of that whole thing you see how I’m kind of pensive and contemplative and what not, the beginning of that whole part of that episode. I was actually trying to get into the character which I was told needed to be emotional, I kiss her, she gets upset, turns around, runs away. I’m supposed to be emotional.
And that’s what that was. And the guys were actually impressed, and that’s what you guys have been talking about, that I could actually bring up some tears on queue. So it took a little while, it took about three or four takes but eventually once they played back the music for the song, and we finally did the kiss they came up and I made it happen I thought.
So that’s really what you’re seeing.
Al Mellis: Wasn’t it a little embarrassing when she had to grab you by the neck and pull you in?
Jonathan Novack: You know, what, I, that is not, OK in my opinion I went in for the kiss, she avoided it. You remember when at the beginning I said, “hey, look, if you don’t want to do this just let me know,” she never told me what she wanted to do. So the first take I kind of went in for a kiss, she turns her head. And I said OK I guess that means she doesn’t want to do the kiss, so then the next few takes went on and then the music came on, they finally did the playback and so it started kind of getting a little bit more emotional, she saw that, and she finally went in for the kiss. And then you saw what happened with the tears and everything so.
Al Mellis: And someone, this was asked of Kasey, but nobody’s asked it yet but I'll go for it, Justin.
Jonathan Novack: Yes.
Al Mellis: The word is out through the show itself that Justin is going to get caught up in having to deny that he has a girlfriend back home or admit it, what are your thoughts? Does he or doesn’t he?
Jonathan Novack: You know, I tried, I gave Justin the benefit of the doubt for a while, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s that big of a jerk. I mean, I could see it happening for sure. It’s, I guess we’ll find out. But I did, I tried to have his back but in the end he was his own worst enemy I think.
Al Mellis: Ok well thank you for your answers and good luck to you too.
Jonathan Novack: Thank you.
Operator: Your next question is from David Barron from Houston Chronicle.
Jonathan Novack: All right, David. How’s it going?
David Barron: Fine thanks, there aren’t of network affiliate jobs in the top ten markets and you were able to work your way to one and then you gave it up. How do you feel about your decision to leave the KPRC, would you want to return to television news and do you believe that that career path might have been impacted by your decision to reality shows?
Jonathan Novack: No, I don’t think the show had anything to do; it didn’t have anything to do with my contract. That was honestly my plan whether or not I made it on the show, I was looking to move on and up. So I mean I don’t regret that, I that’s just how I've always kind of been. My first station I left after 3 years, Miami I left after my first contract was up, and I mean weekend weather is great, but I want to do more than that.
So, I know if I stay here, while I love Houston, it may not be the best decision professionally for me. So I know they're few and far between for the jobs and so I’m hoping if I, hopefully I'll find something and if not then I don’t. I mean there's, I’m the kind of guy it’s like let’s go with it and see what happens, and my decisions that I make at the time are what I think are the best decisions, and I can just only hope that something good will come of it.
David Barron: And my dog says help, too, I apologize.
Jonathan Novack: I can see that I wasn’t sure if you were just getting excited or something.
David Barron: I can't do dog impersonations.
Jonathan Novack: Oh you can't all right; I was going to say that was pretty good.
David Barron: So, you said you’re doing nights in town before you leave here or what ...
Jonathan Novack: Yes I was just, there's a little thing over at Davenport on Tuesday night. There's one at Monday night, I forget where it is but my friend who is a comic around town, he invited me to, and so it might be the last, I don’t know if it’s the Last Stop or not, but there's a few places in town I’m going to start hitting up here in the next couple of months, getting back into it.
Jonathan Novack: All right thanks.
Jonathan Novack: Thank you.
Operator: Your next question is from Debra Yeo from the Toronto Star.
Jonathan Novack: Hey.
Debra Yeo: Hi Jonathan.
Jonathan Novack: Toronto must be exciting right now.
Debra Yeo: Yes well, you know, we’re all waiting for the Monday and to see what’s going on with Justin. Actually, I wanted to follow-up a little bit on what you said about Justin, about how you sort of gave him the benefit of the doubt. Was he sort of hated in the house, as it came off on TV? Because I actually ran into him at a party a couple of weeks ago and he was telling me that, “oh, you know, Craig R was sort of picking on him when the cameras were on but they were actually friends when the cameras were off and all this sort of thing,” so what’s your take on it?
Jonathan Novack: My take is that the guys didn’t like him. I didn’t understand why they didn’t like him. I didn’t think it was a big deal that he showed a T-shirt the first night. I don’t see how that was really a big deal. I’m a weather guy and no one ever gave me any crap. So, I didn’t understand why they didn’t like him. He wasn’t treating anyone in the house badly, like say Craig M, for instance, so in my opinion when I’m judging people if they’re not treating you badly or anybody badly, they're just kind of doing their thing, then I don’t know why you give them hell.
So that confused me for a while but after I heard that he may or may not have done what he may or may not do on Monday regarding a girlfriend that pretty much destroyed any virtuous character traits that he has. I think that the guys generally did not like him. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt for a while but in the end I think they might have been right.
Debra Yeo: OK and when ...
Jonathan Novack: Sorry I know my responses tend to be very long winded people, I’m sorry.
Debra Yeo: No that’s OK when did you first hear about all this girlfriend controversy?
Jonathan Novack: I kind of heard it through the rumor mill and then I saw this article in, I forget which magazine it was, it was InTouch or InStyle or Life & Style, I don’t know, it’s like I have 8 million magazines on my table right now, but and I heard rumors and then I saw what’s coming up next week maybe and it doesn’t surprise me necessarily and when that many do have a take on somebody, that many guys have that kind of a take on him, maybe they're right.
Debra Yeo: Yes, OK thanks a lot.
Jonathan Novack: You’re welcome.
Operator: Your next question is from Danae Young from RealityWanted.
Jonathan Novack: Hello.
Danae Young: Hi, Jonathan. Hello. Yes if you’re, talking about LA if you do your comedy thing I’m in LA, so that would be really cool to come see you.
Jonathan Novack: Awesome.
Danae Young: OK, so what were your feelings for Ali? Do you wish that you had more time with her?
Jonathan Novack: I absolutely wish I had more time with her. I, I thought she was the kind of girl that I could really maybe fall for. I thought she was the kind of girl I could fall for. I mean she was brilliant girl, beautiful, great sense of humor, seemed to love life, ambitious, considerate, reasonable, I mean those are all traits that I look for, it’s just you can make a spark happen on group dates. It’s very tough. So I never had a one-on-one.
Yes I wish I had. So that’s one thing I wish had been different.
Danae Young: Right and does it kind of, I don’t know, suck a little bit knowing that what might happen with Justin this next episode and how that came out with the girlfriend and all that kind of stuff. Seeing these guys last longer than you?
Jonathan Novack: Yes. Yes, it’s this is the way I see it. This is what I'll say about that. I think if Kasey had shown her the tattoo the night that I got sent home, I would of still been there. I think Chris N who didn’t really say anything; I don’t understand why he was around longer than I was. Maybe because Ali felt like he hadn’t opened up and she gave him a chance. And she felt like I had opened up and it just wasn’t there. I couldn’t figure that one out.
And as far as Justin goes, yes obviously, if that had come out sooner I would have been in his spot to, so there's definitely some variables that could have played out differently, so yes, I kind of wish it had. But hopefully she’s happy and everything has worked out.
Danae Young: All right, well OK thanks.
Jonathan Novack: Who are you with again, I’m sorry.
Danae Young: Oh I’m with RealityWanted.
Jonathan Novack: OK, well I'll let You know, when I’m out in LA.
Danae Young: Awesome, cool.
Jonathan Novack: What’s your name again, I’m sorry.
Cathy Rehl: We’ll get you that information. OK we need to move next question ...
Jonathan Novack: Sorry, no networking during the press conference, are you sure? OK.
Operator: Your next question is from Lara Martin from Digital Spy.
Jonathan Novack: How you doing?
Lara Martin: I’m good thank you, how are you?
Jonathan Novack: Great.
Lara Martin: Well, most of my questions have been asked already but you just touched on Kasey and the tattoo. And I wanted to know what were your thoughts on it?
Jonathan Novack: I tried to be diplomatic about it. I mean, in the end, it’s a tattoo. You know, after like a few weeks, so it’s a little over the top but his intentions I think were good, I don’t think he’s crazy. I just think he’s a very passionate sensitive guy. And his explanation of the tattoo to us was it wasn’t necessarily for Ali, part of it was attached to Ali but a lot of it was the experience, a lot of it was bonding with the guys in the house. And so it wasn’t like he went out and got a tattoo for Ali, it was he got this tattoo to represent everything the show meant to him.
Lara Martin: OK. And just finally, you obviously were called on most of this stuff already so what would be your best part of the entire experience -- that you liked more than anything else?
Jonathan Novack: Damn, that’s tough. How about, I mean I got a great tan. I would say meet, I would say the best part was seeing that there are still great girls, let me rephrase that. I think the best part was seeing that there are great girls out there and kind of giving me or keeping that hope that I can find somebody.
Lara Martin: OK. Well, thank you I’m looking forward to the new show.
Jonathan Novack: Oh, thank you, yes.
Operator: Your next question is from Monica Garske from Flash News.
Monica Garske: Hey Jonathan, thanks for doing this.
Jonathan Novack: Yes, thank you.
Monica Garske: So, I’m kind of wondering in your experience in front of the camera and everything like that being a weather man and reporting and stuff, how much do you think that that helped you being on The Bachelorette?
Jonathan Novack: People have asked me that, I’m not sure if it helped me that much only because the context is so drastically different having cameras around you 24/7 pretty much and the competition factor of it and the dates and the drama and you don’t even realize the cameras are there. It’s just, it’s different. I’m not performing, I’m just being myself. So I never heard from the other guys. If the other guys have been saying, “hey this is weird, this is weird with the cameras,” but I think everybody gets pretty comfortable in front of the cameras pretty quickly.
So I think that part of the playing field evens out very quickly.
Monica Garske: OK, and you seem like you had a pretty good relationship with the guys, always joking around and stuff, were they constantly asking you, like, oh what’s the weather going to be like today or anything like that give us your meteorology skills or anything?
Jonathan Novack: Yes I was the house meteorologist, I was the house weather anchor, so anytime anybody needed a forecast, even though I had no access to internet I would put my thumb up in the air, take a look at the eastern skies and see what was happening.
Most of the time in Southern California You know, it’s going to be some clouds in the morning, clearing out by 11 am and sunny skies ...
Monica Garske: So you had it made, you were good.
Jonathan Novack: I was, yes it was easy-- they were like, wow, he’s really good and I’m just thinking it’s Southern California little do they know that I know exactly what’s going to happen every day of the week.
So yes, basically I should be getting, I should have gotten paid for my meteorological skills there but ...
Monica Garske: Got to look into that.
Jonathan Novack: Yes I know.
Monica Garske: Awesome, thanks Jonathan.
Jonathan Novack: Thank you.
Operator: Your next question is from Kristian Benson from Hollywood Life.
Jonathan Novack: Hey Kristen.
Kristian Benson: Hi, how are you?
Jonathan Novack: Good, how you doing?
Kristian Benson: Good, I completely agree with you that Roberto is the best guy left standing. But we just heard from Kasey that he thinks Franks the best guy standing. Can you kind of compare the two guys and explain you’re rational?
Jonathan Novack: I think Frank is a great guy, I think that – do you remember the first date with Ali that Frank had?
Kristian Benson: Yes.
Jonathan Novack: I mean, I’m a straight up guy so I’m just going to – I mean, I'll just tell you what I think here. I think that he was very, he was attached a little too quickly thinking she’s his girlfriend and what not, which is fine, it’s just I don’t think that’s a trait that she would really be looking for someone who kind of gets attached that quickly. I think Roberto is a little bit more grounded and I think he, I think Roberto is just probably a little bit more right for her. But I do think Frank is a really nice guy, funny, I just don’t think that he’s necessarily in line with what – maybe what she was looking for in the end.
Kristian Benson: OK, thank you.
Jonathan Novack: You’re welcome.
Cathy Rehl: I think we have time for one more question, please?
Operator: Your final question will come from Carrie Bell from People Magazine.
Jonathan Novack: Hey.
Carrie Bell: Hey. How are you doing?
Jonathan Novack: Great. How you doing?
Carrie Bell: I’m doing well. I enjoyed your wit on the show. I was kind of sad to see you go just because I thought your comments about people were awesome.
Jonathan Novack: Thank you very much.
Carrie Bell: I have to ask you kind of a difficult question.
Jonathan Novack: Go for it.
Carrie Bell: I have heard a lot of people claim, think, assume that there was a little bit of gayness, for lack of a better term, and I’m wondering if this is something that you’re aware of?
Jonathan Novack: I haven’t heard anything about that. I mean, they can think what they want, it’s not true so. That’s really funny.
Carrie Bell: OK, so definitely not true, you’re into the ladies?
Jonathan Novack: Very much so. That would be funny, like if you ask any of my friends they’d be laughing their asses off right now.
Carrie Bell: OK.
Jonathan Novack: Because they know me better than anybody.
Carrie Bell: All right. Well, I just wanted to set the record straight.
Jonathan Novack: I haven’t heard that. Who’s saying that one?
Carrie Bell: Lots of people actually.
Jonathan Novack: Really?
Carrie Bell: I think this may be the metro-sexual jacket wearing.
Jonathan Novack: Oh, I hate that white jacket.
Carrie Bell: The white jacket.
Jonathan Novack: I’ll never wear it again. Well, for the record, Craig M. also wore that jacket, technically. So, they can start spreading those rumors about him if they want.
Carrie Bell: All right. Well, thank you very much.
Jonathan Novack: Yes, you’re welcome, thank you.
Cathy Rehl: And I think that ends our ...
Jonathan Novack: Great question to end on.
Cathy Rehl: … our call for today.
Jonathan Novack: OK.
Cathy Rehl: Thank you, everybody. We appreciate all your time today. We will be hopefully back with you next week. And if you have any questions, please give me a call at 212-XXX-XXXX.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today’s conference, you may now disconnect.