Like a good neighbor
Who's stalking whom? Biographer Joe McGinniss feeds the fire of Palin feud
- Joe McGinniss, biographer
- Sarah Palin
- Sarah Palin's home in AlaskaPhoto by Al Grillo
OK, now he's just messing with her.
Amid accusations of stalking Sarah Palin and her family, best-selling author (he made the New York Times' list at age 26 and has penned blockbuster true crime novels like Fatal Vision) 67-year-old investigative journalist-turned-true crime writer Joe McGinniss compared Palin to a Nazi on The Today Show. "I'm not calling her a Nazi, but that's the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the '30s and I don't think there's any place for it America," McGinniss told Matt Lauer of Palin's Facebook condemnation of his move next door.
Perhaps I, too, should be suspicious of an unauthorized biographer moving in next door to his subject, but he sounds so reasonable ($1,500 per month for lakeside views in lovely Wasilla, Alaska? Sounds like a steal! Not there to observe, just to question residents? Sounds legitimate to me.) And suggesting Tea Party champion Sarah Palin's got Nazi tendencies? That's sort of hilarious.
McGinniss says he's received angry e-mails and a few death threats since Palin publicly questioned his motives via her Facebook account and even posted pictures of the home he's staying in. (McGinniss insists he had only told his family where he was living).
Palin shot back on her Facebook page, "If receiving nasty e-mails and even death threats is the standard by which we judge 'inciting hatred,' then the left in this country has been 'inciting hatred' on my family for almost two years now."
It looks like it'll be a tense few months in Wasilla — unless Palin heads to Washington as the Tea Party's 2012 presidential candidate. McGinniss would never follow her there!
Watch McGinniss defend his move below and tell us, which team are you on?