Art and About
Getting Stark Naked in the Houston theater world with a husband and wife team
- Stark Naked Theatre Company's inaugural play is "Debt Collectors," a modern takeon August Strinberg's 1888 play "Creditors."
- From left, founders Philip Lehl and Kim Tobin-Lehl and guest artist DavidRainey.
It's time for the Art & About team to conquer our first theater vid, so why not start out with Stark Naked Theatre Company's inaugural play, Debt Collectors, a modern adaptation of Swedish playwright August Strindberg’s 1888 drama Creditors,, which opens Thursday night and runs through May 29 at Obsidian Art Space. The husband and wife team of Philip Lehl and Kim Tobin-Lehl head up Stark Naked, which was named by a community contest.
Don't get too excited by the name, it's more about the aesthetic of strong, solid, honest acting, than dropping your drawers.
Culture Bro (Joel Luks) and I visited with Philip and Kim at their chic new Spring Studio space, which also houses the Kim Tobin Acting Studio. With Lehls being two of the most prominent actors in the city, there's a buzz of excitement around their new operation, so of course we wanted to be there.
Philip and Kim build on the momentum they built at Brave Dog Theatre along with all the fine work they have done in the city thus far.
Debt Collectors is a tale of love, greed, and revenge, set on a resort island off the coast of Mexico,” says Tobin-Lehl, Stark Naked’s managing director, “what seems like a kitchen sink drama explodes into a psychosexual nightmare.”
The production features Lehl,Tobin-Lehl and Alley Company member, David Rainey, in the three principal roles, while Lehl and Tobin-Lehl share directorial duties.
“When I first read this play, I was knocked out by how modern it seemed,” Lehl says. “My only disappointment was that I couldn’t find a translation that seemed like it could be performed in a modern setting. So we made our own adaptation, and now it feels like it was written yesterday.”
Watch our first theater vid and learn more about Houston's newest theater company:
This second video shows a scene from Debt Collectors in its entirity:
Obsidian Art Space is located at 3522 White Oak in The Heights. Performances times are: Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. There will be one “pay what you can” performance, on Monday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $20 general admission, $17 seniors, $10 students for the other shows. To purchase tickets, visit