It's in her eyes
Model in a fantasyland: Tyra Banks thinks she's penning the next Twilight
Why just start a book club when you can write a book?
We all know that Tyra Banks lives in a fantasyland (one in which she fancies herself the next Oprah Winfrey, only more svelte). Little did we know that Banks also apparently pictures herself as the next J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer.
Tyra's fantasy is about to get literal (and literary) as she's set to pen Modelland, which she announced on her Web site and described as "a fantastical place you've never seen, or heard about, or read about before ... Where dreams come true and life can change in the blink of a smoky eye."
The fantasy book, which attempts to combine modeling with a Harry Potter or Twilight-like world — will tell the tale of a teen girl "in a make-believe society who finds herself competing for a way of life that's both hotly desired and woefully out of reach at an academy for Intoxibellas, the most exceptional models known to humankind. As the plot unfolds, readers will uncover lessons that are buried beneath the surface of this magical world."
But wait, there's more. Two more, actually, as Banks has signed a three-book deal with Random House. (The release dates are still up in the air).
Seeing as this is the same woman who had then-presidential hopeful Barack Obama stare with her into a crystal ball when he was on her talk show, the same host who got an on-screen mammogram ...
Well, I can't wait to see what kind of crazy she pulls out.