Sheen-ess Envy
Would you pay $575 to meet Charlie Sheen in Houston?
The train wreck keeps chugging along.
Or as Charlie Sheen put in when he tweeted on Thursday, "Fastballs keep coming. 12 more shows added."
The 45-year-old actor, who has mesmerized the nation with his stream-of-conscious ramblings and feud with producers who fired him from his starring role on the most popular comedy on TV, is bringing his Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is not an Option show to the Verizon Wireless Theater on April 26.
Tickets go on sale Saturday at 10 a.m. Prices range from $57.62-$107.91, including taxes and fees.
In other cities, Sheen has also offered a "Meet and Greet Package" for $575 (taxes/fees included), so presumably that will happen in Houston. Fans will spend a few moments with Sheen, get a seat in the first 10 rows and receive a personal autographed photo.
Sheen sold out his first two shows in Detroit on April 2 and Chicago on April 3 within 18 minutes and quickly added shows in five more cities, including Cleveland, Columbus, New York, Wallingford, Conn., and Boston.
The latest cities added in addition to Houston include Dallas, Denver, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Toronto and Vancouver, where the tour will presumably end on May 2.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Sheen is renting the mid-sized venues in each city and absorbing production costs. Touring sources estimate he can pocket $150,000 per show, so that he could make up the $1.2 million salary he was getting for one episode in Two and a Half Men in 10 performances.
It's quite a spring for Verizon. Sheen will appear at the downtown Houston venue a few days before Willie Nelson and Ke$ha and about a month after Glenn Beck.