Don't Forget
A breast radiologist's tips for a better mammogram — No. 1 is don't skip it

Get it on the schedule now.
One in eight women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, and the majority of these women don't even have a family history of breast cancer.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is a great reminder to make mammograms part of your annual wellness routine.
Annual mammograms are the best tool for early detection of breast cancer, and may detect breast cancer even before a lump may be felt. Mammograms are the only screening test shown to reduce breast cancer deaths — nearly 40 percent in the U.S. since 1990, according to the American College of Radiology (ACR).
"The ACR recommends annual screening mammograms for women beginning at age 40," says Jibi Thomas, a breast radiologist affiliated with Memorial Hermann. "If you have certain risk factors, like a family history, your doctor may want you to start getting mammograms earlier."
Dr. Thomas also notes that women should also pay attention to any unusual symptoms, such as unusual or localized breast pain, lumps, nipple abnormalities, and armpit swelling. If you notice anything strange, talk with your doctor to schedule a mammogram.
Feeling anxious or nervous about a mammogram? That's very common, but being prepared may help ease some of these feelings.
Dr. Thomas offers up these tips for preparing for your mammogram:
- Consider scheduling your mammogram one to two weeks after your period. Breasts are the least tender just after menstruation.
- Do not apply deodorant, perfume, lotion, or other products to your underarms or upper body before the exam. These items can sometimes appear as false positives on scans.
- Wear a two-piece outfit so you only have to remove your top. You can keep your bottoms on, and you will be given a robe to wear.
- Keep jewelry at home and wear your hair tied back.
- Inform your mammo tech if you are breastfeeding, have breast implants, or are currently experiencing any breast concerns.
With more than 15 breast care locations across Houston, Memorial Hermann offers locations near your home or work, as well as early morning and evening appointments. 3D mammography is also available at all locations, making it as convenient as possible to stay on top of your breast health.
During Breast Cancer Awareness Month — and year-round! — remember to prioritize your health. Schedule your annual screening mammogram by visiting or calling 877-40-MAMMO.