Courting Iowa
Rick Perry turns to a cartoon ad to rip on Congress: But which career politicianis the real fox?
Congratulations, Rick Perry. You've set the bar so low with your recent Iowa ads that any spot that doesn't include an accidental rickroll has to be dubbed a winner.
Like the ad released on Wednesday, "Fox" — which features a cartoon fox. The spot takes Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to task for being members (or former members) of Congress, ending in the rare debate moment where Perry seemed to complete a coherent thought about cutting congressional salaries and staffs, making the job "part-time."
Here's the grading metric: Does he open by hating on gay people in the military? Does he display cat-like reflexes in an awkward family photo? No? Success!
And yet this is the first sentence:
“The fox guarding the hen house is like asking a congressman to fix Washington: Bad idea.”
I just . . . who wrote that? It sounds the contents of a politically active fortune cookie. This is how analogies work, Perry campaign: "Asking a congressman to fix Washington is like a having a fox guard the hen house — it's a bad idea." See, I fixed all those tense issues and sentence fragments for you.
Grammar aside, are there people out there who think that the problem with Congress is that they accomplish too much? Does wanting a small government really mean that we won't even pay the people who are supposed to, you know, run it? And is anyone really going to buy this complaint from a man who defines the term "career politician"?
Then again, it's not like Congress needs the money.