Introducing the Merry Adoptable Dozen
Abandoned in a kennel for years, these dozen animals need a permanent home forthe holidays
- IsabellPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- MaxPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- BeautyPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- Gwinn and RowdyPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- ParkerPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- ShadowPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- SampsonPhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- Iris RosePhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- CredencePhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- Snow and FlakePhoto by Cynthia Poel Barker
- The Forgotten PetsPhotos by Cynthia Poel Barker/Flyer by Jane Beach Martin
One couple is fluffy, white, and pet calendar gorgeous! You’d think this cat sister and brother named “Snow” and “Flake” would be shoo-ins for adoption. People should be fighting over the pair to become their owners, especially during this “most wonderful time of the year.” Right?
And you’d think that a cutie named “Beauty” would be a dream doggie for some animal lover. I mean, look at that little face, would ya? You’d have to be a beast not to open your arms and your home to Beauty, right?
Instead of bringing joy and unconditional love to someone this holiday season these animals (and nine more like them!) may have to continue living, as they have been for years, at a Houston-area kennel. They are “forgotten pets” who through no fault of their own, have been abandoned by their owners and become permanent boarders.
This is the season of gift giving, charity and generosity, so allow me to me introduce you to these furry friends in the hope that CultureMap readers (animal lovers that we know you are) will spread the word and help find each a real home for Christmas. Or Hanukah. Or Kwanza. Or insert-your-holiday-of-choice-here.
This particular kennel, God bless ‘em, has continued to care for these 12 pets despite their inability to pay room and board. Requesting to remain anonymous, lest more animals be left or dumped on the property because of a reputation for mercy and kindness, the kennel owner treats these forgotten animals with the same love and care they do all their boarders.
Being boarded, however, is supposed to be temporary; an overnight service where dogs and cats stay while their owners are away. It’s not meant to be a permanent lifestyle. Living in a cage, even though well fed and cared for, is still living in a cage!
This is the season of gift giving, charity and generosity, so allow me to me introduce you to these furry friends in the hope that CultureMap readers (animal lovers that we know you are) will spread the word and help find each a real home for Christmas. Or Hanukah. Or Kwanza. Or insert-your-holiday-of-choice-here.
These pets are non-denominational, neither Republican nor Democrat, speak all languages, have no race or race issues, are healthy, spayed/neutered, micro-chipped and vaccinated, and will love their new owner to death! What more could anyone ask - the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval?
1. Let’s start with dog “Isabelle." She was boarded at the kennel on the Sunday of Hurricane Katrina. No one came back for her. That was in 2005. She is a very sweet girl, so friendly, and never met a stranger. Just because she’s not a bouncing baby pup anymore shouldn’t mean she can’t warm a heart or become somebody’s best friend.
2. “Max” (what a great dog name) is a beautiful Pointer and according to Houston’s Marlene Marino, the every-ready animal advocate who alerted me to the forgotten pet situation, he’s smart, very obedient and – as you can see for yourself – super handsome. Max is about eight years old and after spending six of those years at the kennel it’s time for this good dog to go home for Christmas.
3. Cute little “Beauty” dog has been at the kennel for three years. A couple boarded her, then they broke up. The boyfriend, the dog’s legit owner, split town. The girlfriend didn’t want Beauty (spite?) and refused to pick her up even though she’d signed the papers to be responsible. (Somewhere out there are a couple of mean, mean, selfish people. Good thing they didn’t have human children!)
4. and 5. “Gwinn” and “Rowdy” are inseparable brother and sister dogs who have been at the kennel since they were five weeks old - for five years now! They have a very special bond and must be adopted together. They are really loving yet kind of shy, and need a while to warm up to people, but hey, you’d be shy, too if you’d spent your whole life in a kennel, no matter how nice it was. These super siblings need a home without other dogs. The kennel staff love these two but want to see them in a real home!
6. Then there’s “Parker," a sweetheart girl kitty. A super social gal, she gets along great with other cats even though she’s lived in a cat condo since 2003. Now, someone out there has to put an end to this travesty and give Parker a forever home.
7. Another female cat, “Shadow," has sleek black fur to go with her sultry purr and she also gets along with everyone! She’s the lovey dovey sort. Shadow’s the youngest of the dozen bunch, at just over a year old, and has lived all of her short life at the kennel.
8. For anyone who happens to be a runner or might need an agility dog, “Sampson” is your man! He’s only two, is a Pit Bull mix, and was abandoned by his owners a year ago. Very sweet, Sampson deserves to be running at Memorial Park or in his own yard, not in a dog run.
9. “Iris Rose” is all smiles, all the time — imagine what she’d be like with a full time owner who coddled her! This extremely friendly Pit Bull is 3-½ years old with a lean 60 pound figure. She’s waiting to become somebody’s best girl.
10. If frisky is your style, then “Credence” could be your guy. He’s three years old with a lot of puppy left in him. With such a nice disposition, he’d make an excellent playmate for some lucky person. He’s been at the kennel over two years. Two years too long.
11. and 12. And finally, there’s “Snow” and “Flake”, the previously mentioned fluffy kitties who could bring a new kind of White Christmas to someone with room in their heart for the pair. This brother and sister must be adopted together as they have spent their entire lives in the same cat condo for four years at the kennel. Naturally a little shy, they love treats, and somewhere out there in CultureMap land there has to be a perfect match for them.
‘Tis the season to be sharing, so share these stories and help find homes for all twelve pets before Christmas. The twelve days of Christmas could take on new meaning! For further information on the pets contact Marlene Marino at or visit her Facebook Page, for adoption details.
And in an aside note to the kennel owner, know that you walk among angels. Thank you.