Another one?
Update: Gunman spotted on Texas A&M campus, reportedly toting an assault rifle
UPDATE: Police located the spotted gunman and found him carrying a replica weapon, like the ones Texas A&M's Corps of Cadets use in training. Click here for the full CultureMap story.
A gunman has been reported on the Texas A&M University campus, according to the Austin American-Statesman.
University officials say the suspect was spotted at Rudder Tower by a campus bus driver. The gunmen was reportedly carrying an AK-47-style assault rifle, according to the description the university's student newspaper was given by campus police.
An e-mail was sent out to students and faculty, asking them to take shelter in place and avoid the Rudder Tower area of the College Station campus. A SWAT team has reportedly been activated and the tower is being closely monitored by a temporary command center nearby.
A text alert from the University went out at 4 p.m. and read: "Code Maroon. Sighting of armed subject at Rudder Tower. SEEK SAFE SHELTER until further notice."
The sighting comes one month after the University of Texas had its own campus shooting scare with a gunman only killing himself after walking into the library with an AK-47. The A&M emergency alert webpage can be accessed here.
An area TV station is reporting that former first lady Laura Bush is on the A&M campus for the opening of the Heart Truth Red Dress Exhibit. President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara are also scheduled to attend the Red Dress kickoff, which was set to start at 5 p.m. at the George H.W. Bush presidential library in College Station.
Stay tuned to CultureMap for further developments.