Links we love today
The Gathering of the Juggalos informercial, new No Doubt, mashed potatoes from amachine and more
Here are the links we loved today:
Finally, summer's most anticipated video is here: The Gathering of the Juggalos infomercial.
AMC premiered The Walking Dead season 3 trailer at Comic Con (and if you're familiar with the books the show's based on, you know things are gonna get craaaaazy in the next few episodes).
Go ahead, look at these photos of Jason Segel babysitting Matilda Ledger without your heart melting, we dare you.
Then read about the most expensive pet wedding ever without rolling your eyes.
Lifehacker's tips for turning your living room into a movie theater.
NPR is streaming Passion Pit's latest, Gossamer.
Let's try 7-11's new mashed potato slurpees!!
Flavorwire collects rude letters from celebs to their fans.
Visit California's national parks with Google Street View.
Virgin Galactic's first space shuttle set to launch next year.
No Doubt's newest single sounds exactly like you'd expect No Doubt's newest single to sound:
Improv Everywhere turns a mini golf outing into a for-realsies tournament for a bunch of lucky kids: