Credit the British
It's International Kissing Day: Who are you smooching to get this celebrationon?
Jul 6, 2011 | 4:55 pm
- The famous kiss from the midst of the Vancouver riot.Getty Images
- And one of the most classic kisses of all time.Photo by Alfred Eisenstadt/LIFE magazine
Fun fact: Wednesday is International Kissing Day.
July 6 has long been a smooching holiday in the United Kingdom celebrating the oft-overlooked simplicity of a romantic kiss. It was adopted internationally 20 years ago.
In order to celebrate, we could go the cliché route, giving you the 10 best movie kisses of all times. Or put a twist on it with the 10 most awkward.
Or we could showcase the tweets of Bieber-loving tweens across the world.
Or we could just let you ponder this YouTube gem, which truly captures the essence of the holiday.