Links we love today
Celebrate Kanye's Tweets, synchronized cats, a year at Disneyland and more
Here are the links we loved today:
Oprah’s Book Club is back with Cheryl Strayed’s Wild.
Let’s adorn our offices with these embroidered Kanye West tweets.
Enjoy Maxim’s epic oral history of The Wire.
Yep, American Apparel is seriously considering moving production overseas.
Sarah Silverman on dogs and depression.
Obama writes a fifth grader the best excuse note ever.
Do you need your phone so much, you should probably lock it up at bedtime?
Lapham’s Quarterly explores native tongues.
Hear new songs from Dismemberment Plan member Travis Morrison’s solo project, The Hellfighters.
“I’m Having A Difficult Time Killing My Parents” is a new, brilliantly dark short from comic TJ Miller:
Synchronized cats!
Watch a time lapse video of a year in Disneyland:
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