Links we love today
Tour rumors, Jack White's 'woman problem,' Bon Iver erotica and more
Apr 26, 2012 | 6:15 pm
Here are the links we loved today:
The L lists 8 bands you need to hear.
Yale students have organized their own Hunger Games.
Fashionable ducks, for your enjoyment.
Wired wonders whether the Webbys are still really A Thing.
CNN’s tips for eating alone = journalism.
Good idea: Lifehacker suggests we clean out our Twitter app permissions. BONIVEREROTICA.TUMBLR.COM.
The Atlantic analyzes Jack White’s lyrics and wonders, does he have a ‘woman problem’?
Here’s an excellent, weird Craigslist car ad.
It’s time for more Smiths reunion rumors!
But this TLC tour (complete with Left Eye hologram) is 100% real.
The Empire Records cast, then and now.