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Pole dancing for Jesus shakes up Spring: Bearing the cross gets sexy
Taking a cue from Mary Magdalene, church-going ladies in suburban Spring are taking their Jesus-loving to the pole. It's all part of the Pole Fitness for Jesus program that goes down every second Sunday of the month at Best Shape of Your Life studio, following the traditional church worship service.
The gym's owner, Crystal Dean (a professional pole dancing alumna), believes she connects clients to God by directing them towards a more joyful life. During sessions, she spins "upbeat contemporary Christian music." These women aren't concerned about what their neighbors think of their avant-garde Holy Grail workout.
"God gives us these bodies and they are suppose to be our temples and we are suppose to take care of them and that's what we are doing," Dean tells KTRK Ch. 13. Participants have to bring a church program to gain admittance (and access to those transparent acrylic stilettos).
Let's explore other promising " . . . for Jesus" marketing campaigns.
- Prostituting for Jesus
- Paganism for Jesus
- Idolatry for Jesus
- Abortions for Jesus
- Vajazzling for Jesus
- SpiritHoods for Jesus
- Posing for Playgirl for Jesus
- Gay marriage for Jesus
- Clay Aiken for Jesus
- Defriending for Jesus
- Unfollowing for Jesus
- Eating KFC Double Downs for Jesus
- South Beach Diet for Jesus
What do you make of Pole Fitness for Jesus? Does it offend your religious beliefs? Does it make you wish you lived in Spring?
Is it possible that Crystal Dean's Sunday is more fun than Rebecca Black's "Friday"? Please share your thoughts.
Watch the KTRK report on Pole Dancing for Jesus: