warmth in the cold
Houston mega-centers convert to warming stations to help locals without power

Some 1.39 million locals were without power on Wednesday, February 17. CenterPoint energy reports that number has dropped drastically as of Thursday, February 18 to 40,000, but the cold reality is that Houstonians are suffering without power — especially heat.
To that end, dozens of local organizations and businesses have opened their facilities to those in need of a respite. Between visits to area grocery stores or shopping centers, stop by these spots for a warm place to recharge.
Importantly, the two Houston-area YMCAs that opened as warming centers (Houston Texans YMCA and Harriet and Joe Foster Family YMCA) have closed.
Kudos, also, to CrowdSource Rescue, a local volunteer effort deploying generators to those in need. Learn more about the organization here and how you can help.
Warming centers in operation:
Gallery Furniture (6006 North Fwy and 7227 West Pkwy.)
Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale has transformed his sprawling stores into “warming centers,” replete with coffee, hot chocolate, food, blankets, and sweatshirts. Locals will remember Mack did the same during Hurricane Harvey.
George R. Brown Convention Center (1001 Avenida De Las Americas)
The George opened for the homeless who need a warm refuge. Those who travel to the convention center will be directed to other facilities via warming METRO buses.
Lakewood Church (3700 Southwest Fwy.)
Joel Osteen’s mega-church is open to walk-in visitors and overnight guests. The church reports on Twitter that it is low on water pressure, but is still welcoming those in dire need.
CultureMap will update this story.