Heights Post Office Closing
Post Office firms up plans to close Heights location and sell prime property
Walking or taking a short drive to mail a letter or package in the Heights will soon be a way of the past — at least to the longtime heart of the historic neighborhood.
The U.S. Postal Service plans to close the 6,161-square-foot Heights Finance Station and sell the shady, one-acre site at 1050 Yale St. as part of the agency's relocation projects nationwide to offset declining revenue.
"This property has been determined by the Postal Service to be excess and is no long necessary for Postal operations," a public notice taped to the door of the station reads. "Postal Service requires the property to be sold at market value."
A previously posted notice from the USPS also remains on the door, citing a public meeting held Sept. 22, 2014, regarding plans to relocate the services. Residents had until Dec. 31, 2014, to appeal the decision.
USPS officials have announced the agency is looking to move services to the T.W. Houston Postal Station, consolidating operations with that station about two miles away. No time frame has been revealed on when the property will go on the market.
The latest public notice adds that USPS is accepting public comments related to the disposal action. Written comments regarding the sale may be addressed to Sandra A. Rybicki, real estate specialist, Facilities Implementation, U.S. Post Service, 7800 N. Simmons Freeway, Suite 400, Dallas TX 75247-4217.