Party Watch
Former Astros manager Bo Porter lures a baseball legend to Houston, showing his undying love for the city
What: The Stacey and Bo Porter SELF Foundation second annual "Legacy Gala."
Where: The Hilton Americas-Houston.
The 411: He might no longer work in Houston but former Astros manager Bo Porter, now a third base coach with the Atlanta Braves, and wife Stacey, a native Houstonian, still have clout in the community as witnessed by the recent gala benefiting the Houston-based Stacey and Bo Porter SELF Foundation.
The evening honored Major League Baseball Hall of Famer and MLB executive vice president of baseball development Frank Robinson. Philamena Baird chaired the fundraiser for which Marcy and Robert Duncan served as honorary chairs.
Funds raised at the event are dedicated to after-school programs at Key, Revere and Welch middle schools.
Who:LaToya Luckett, Enos Cabell, Gina Gaston and Mario Ellie, Michelle and Leroy Burrell, Jose Cruz, Terri and John Havens, Chester Pitts, Cathy and Dr. Gary Brock, Sonny and Jodie Jiles and Mychelle and Shawn Taylor.