$2 million Worth Of Laughs
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy leads Boys and Girls Country dinner to a $2 million windfall
Nov 3, 2015 | 3:10 pm
What: Boys and Girls Country 24th annual Heritage Award Dinner.
Where: The Hilton-Americas Houston.
The scoop: Close to 1,100 guests filled the ballroom where comedianJeff Foxworthykept spirits high. And high they were with proceeds of more than $2 million for the residential facility that provides for children whose families are in crisis.
Mark Mey chaired the event that honored Lisa and John Walker of EnerVest Ltd.
Who: Boys and Girls Country executive director Lou Palma, Coby DuBose, Rita and Chuck Scianna, Morgan Relyea, Walker Colt, Caroline Thomas, Byrne Dyrhood, Lisa and Michael Whitde, Michael Johnston, Armida Gallegos and Erika Morton.