Pictured here: Patrick and Demi Moore in the classic scene from "Ghost."
Even though Patrick Swayze was a Hollywood star and "the sexiest man alive" he never lost his Houston roots. His mom Patsy let us peek into the family album and friend Warner Roberts remembers.
Pictured here: Patsy holding 6-month-old Patrick in 1951
Photo courtesy Patsy Swayze
Pictured here: Patsy holding 6-month-old Patrick in 1951
His mother Patsy sent me some treasured photographs from her personal scrapbook when I planned to interview him a few years ago. Without duplicates, she was a nervous wreck until they were returned. Patsy was the founder and artistic director of the Houston Jazz Ballet Company and instructed the likes of Tommy Tune, John Travolta, Debbie Allen, Jaclyn Smith, Lisa Hartman, Randy Quaid, Kenny Rogers and of course, her son, Patrick. In class Patrick met one of Patsy’s students, 14-year-old Lisa Niemi, who was to become his wife of 35 years. “Patrick was always so well liked, always a good singer; and, boy, did he work hard," Patsy told me. "I was forever telling him, ‘Shut up and dance!’”