HCAF kick-off
Houston film lovers party and preview Houston Cinema Arts Festival lineup at launch celebration
What: Houston Cinema Arts Festival Kick-Off Party.
Where: The Alley Theatre.
The scoop: Anticipation filled the Alley Theatre air as artists, film buffs and Houston Cinema Arts Society supporters gathered to be first to know the Houston Cinema Arts Film Festival lineup for 2016. While awaiting the big announcement from HCAS artistic director Richard Herskowitz, guests talked film and nibbled on delicious light bites from Quattro, the Four Season Hotel signature restaurant.
The crowd of 200 cinephiles were not disappointed as first Interim HCAS executive director Mary Lampe took to the podium to thanks supporters and add a few more minutes of suspense to the proceedings before introducing Herskowitz. With the flair of a master director, artistic director that is, Hershkowitz unveiled eight days in November (10-17) filled with drama, comedy, live musical events and, strangely enough, lots of yarn.
Enthusiastic applause filled the Alley Texas Room when Herskowitz announced that half of the films in the 2016 Festival lineup come from women directors. That applause soon turned to “oohs" of excitement when Herskowitz described some of the immersive cinematic experiences on the schedule. Guests were seen hurriedly marking their phone calendars before the presentation was even completed.
Who: Joanne King Herring, Cerón, Maureen Herzog, Cynthia Neely, Marian Luntz, Charles Dove, Vicky Wight, Margarita De la Vega-Hurtado, Rick Ferguson, Michelle Mower, Alecia Harris, Erica Levitt, Trish Rigdon, Patrick Kwiatkowski, Dan Jacobs, Carlos Fontanot, Roz and Alan Pactor, Cathy Walton, Elena Goughary, Bud Hagner, and Lucas Diercouff.