Sweet on Houston restaurants
Dessert book launch party filled with calories, high-profile chefs and H-Townrestaurant bests
- More than a dozen sweet treats were the focus of this book signing at Arturo's.Photo by William Jones Miller
- Maidie Rutherford, left, and cookbook author Erin Hicks Miller shared a momentat the book signing.Photo by William Jones Miller
- Both John Sheely, left, and Arturo Boada contributed recipes to Houston ClassicDesserts.Photo by William Jones Miller
- The myriad sweet treats made this one calorific party at Arturor's UptownItaliano.Photo by William Jones Miller
- Julie Blessing, left, and Katia CondettePhoto by William Jones Miller
- Heidi Arceneaux, from left, Erin Hicks Miller and Jody RigdonPhoto by William Jones Miller
We couldn't even begin to count the yummy calories that tempted guests at the book signing at Arturo's Uptown Italiano for Erin Hicks Miller's Houston Classic Desserts. Arturo's crema catalana, Mark's blueberry tart, Dessert Gallery's carrot cake, Ruggles white chocolate bread pudding — all were on the table for sampling and in the book for recipe stealing and claiming as our own.
Detailed recipes from 40 top restaurants such as Tony's apricot soufflé and Yia Yia Mary's Kourambiedes are presented in entertaining detail in the book along with insider scoop on the restaurants, owners and chefs. Consider Houston Classic Desserts, a product of Pelican Publishing Co., a combo recipe book and culinary guide to the city.
More than 100 foodies and Miller fans turned out for the signing including a number of chefs and owners who contributed their calorific delights. Mingling in the crowd were Arturo's Arturo Boada, Shade's Claire Smith, Mark's Mark Cox, Mockingbird Bistro's John Sheely, Ruggle's Randy Bower and Mo's Eric Aldis. Also on hand was the author's husband, William Jones Miller, who not only produced the book but also did photography. Popular photographer Fulton Davenport of PWL Studio also contributed some of the beautiful food shots.
Miller's next effort, Houston Classic Mexican Dishes, is set for release in February. It follows a similar format with Miller gathering, testing and recording recipes from the city's iconic ethnic restaurants.
Houston Classic Desserts is available at Amazon and at www.erinhicksmiller.com.