Is downtown dying?
Another hit for Market Square Park: Convey Sushi is the latest downtownrestaurant to close
- Photo by Whitney Radley
- Photo by Whitney Radley
- Photo by Whitney Radley
Four months after ERA Restaurant closed its doors, Market Square Park has lost another restaurant tenant. Convey Sushi, the sushi restaurant at the corner of Congress and Milam streets, has been shuttered.
Convey opened just over a year ago and offered the first inner-Loop conveyor belt (or kaiten-zushi) sushi experience. The restaurant still has a "now open" banner on the exterior, but much of the furniture has been removed, while other restaurant paraphernalia is strewn about the space. The restaurant's website is still online but Convey's Facebook page has already disappeared.
Convey's closure leaves neighboring Les Givral Kahve as the only restaurant on the north border of Market Square Park, along with historic wine bar La Carafe. Nearby Cabo closed its doors in January after being in business for more than a decade.
Other recent downtown restaurant closings include Cielo and Cava Bistro in January of 2011, Byrd's Market in July (though Georgia's Market has moved into the space and opened), ERA in the fall, and the El Rey at Main and Congress in December.
Did you like Convey? Do you think downtown restaurants can work?