No more counting minutes
Is AT&T's Unlimited Mobile to Any Mobile effort enough to stop the VerizoniPhone hemorrhage?
You heard it here first — You won't find me leaving AT&T for Verizon anytime soon.
In a move that was probably too late to prevent anyone from actually making The Big Switch, AT&T rolled out the Unlimited Mobile to Any Mobile package on Thursday — not-so-coincidentally, on Verizon iPhone Launch Day.
But it's not just unlimited calling between AT&T subscribers, mind you. That word "any" is a huge one. Now, you can call any — any! — mobile phone from your AT&T phone without incurring extra charges or using your precious anytime minutes — Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Cricket, Nextel, you name it, whatever, oh my!
As long as you have a qualifying plan, that is.
What constitutes a "qualifying plan," you ask? If you have an unlimited messaging plan (which will cost you a cool $20 per month) and a $39.99 per month (or higher) voice plan, you're eligible. And that's all you need.
Let's take me, for example. The people I talk to most — my boyfriend, mother, sister, and a few of my closest friends — are all on different carriers, none of which happen to be AT&T.
So, I've been shelling out the big(ger) bucks monthly for a plan that makes me eligible for the A-List, where I pick five people on any cellular network, and calls to them aren't deducted from my anytime minutes (because calls to my A-Listers are unlimited).
It saved me some dough in the long run, because my minutes did not runneth over. But I'd end up with gobs of rollover minutes, because I wasn't using the minutes I was actually paying for. But I had to stay on the higher plan, or else I couldn't have the A-List in the first place.
Yeah, it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either.
With AT&T's new Unlimited Mobile to Any Mobile option, the convoluted A-List feature is moot. Poof! Gone! Vanished! Every one of the individuals on my A-List is a cellular user. Like, duh — who isn't?
Score for me! I've lowered my rate plan and saved myself $25 per month. If I sound like a commercial, pardon me, but I can't help it —my cellular bills stand to come in under $100 for the first time in years. Praise be!
I used to be a Verizon disciple, back in my BlackBerry day. But with AT&T's Unlimited Mobile to Any Mobile, there's no way you'll find me crawling back to Verizon with my tail between my legs any time soon.
Woo me with technology, and I'm yours for a contract. Woo me with savings, and I'm yours for life.