A step up from Paris
Girl crush alert: Jessica Simpson joins the Michelle Obama fan club
- Jessica Simpson
- First Lady Michelle ObamaPhoto by Joyce N. Boghosian
Back when I was in college, there was a popular Facebook group called "Future Trophy Wives." The image accompanying it? Jessica Simpson's Rolling Stone cover, holding a vacuum handle while wearing nothing but underwear, pumps and a smile. Tag line: "Housewife of the Year."
So when People magazine reported that Jessica Simpson said she wants to be Michelle Obama others may have scoffed, but I saw it as a victory.
After all, if America's favorite trophy wife pinup is looking up to Michelle Obama, that can't be anything but good, right?
While attending the White House Correspondents' Dinner, Simpson elaborated, saying, "She's such an incredible woman, and she's with such a powerful man ... Everything she does she exudes confidence. I'm really just here to celebrate her."
Sure, to covet being the wife of a powerful man isn't exactly a breakthrough for women's lib.
But Simpson's words read to me like she's impressed with Michelle on her own. To be married to the most powerful man in the world and still have an independent mind, an impressive career of your own, good kids and the most iconic fashion sense of a First Lady since Jacqueline Kennedy? That's a charmed life even a pop star can admire.
Plus, Jessica Simpson may not be seen as the brightest crayon in the box, but she has shown signs of growth since her Newlyweds days. With the finale of her show, The Price of Beauty, on Monday, she launched a new charity in conjunction with Operation Smile, A Beautiful Me, aiming to help America's kids and teens gain confidence and believe in themselves. And she was at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
In a world where girls want to be Paris Hilton, showing some love for Michelle Obama sounds pretty good to me.