Celeb Spotting
More than Ashley Judd: Famous Final Four alumni to look out for this weekend
- Lucky Kentucky: Ashley Judd is the face of college basketball fandom.
- Michael Bergin, like Matthew McConaghey, can be recognized by his trademarkshirtlessness.
- Meg Ryan transferred to NYU and dropped out a semester before her degree, butshe might still have some UConn pride.
- Debbie Matenopoulos is VCU's most famous former student.
- Moby dropped out of UConn.
- Patch Adams also went to VCU.
Ashley Judd isn't just the most famous Kentucky basketball fan in the country — she's the most famous college basketball fan, and possibly the most famous basketball fan short of Spike Lee.
So while we expect the weekend to be replete with Ashley Alerts (she hasn't officially confirmed a trip, but with the Wildcats in the Final Four for the first time since 1998, we're pretty sure even wild Kentucky horses couldn't keep her away), it's not like the other Final Four schools — Virginia Commonwealth, Connecticut and Butler — don't have their own famous fans. We scoured the alunmi rolls to see who we should be on the lookout for in Houston.
Aside from Miss Judd, Virginia Commonwealth has probably the most recognizable former student in TV host and commentator Debbie Matenopoulos (after all, when you've been spoofed on SNL, you've made it). But since she transferred to NYU after a year, we're not sure if she's still feeling the Ram pride.
If you see an attractive man that you can't quite place at VCU games, it could be either Zachary Knighton (who was on ABC's cancelled Lost-clone Flash Forward) or Boris Kodjoe, who's been on Soul Food and the spy flop Undercovers and was also a four-year varsity athlete at VCU. According to IMDB neither has much better to do now then take in a game or two.
And if you see an Adonis-like man so beautiful he almost seems to glow, it's Baywatch and UConn alum Michael Bergin. And if you see a woman who looks like Meg Ryan's mom, it's Meg Ryan, a former Huskie.
I doubt Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will make it to Kentucky's games, but I hope actor Harry Dean Stanton (Big Love's Roman Grant) can make it. He would totally creep out the Huskies, I think.
They might be harder to recognize, but look for VCU alums Dr. Patch Adams (who doesn't look like Robin Williams but does have a funny moustache) and 4chan founder Christopher Poole (who we included so that his acolytes don't turn on us).
Unfortunately, Butler's most famous students are both controversial (to say the least) and both dead: Kurt Vonnegut wrote darkly comedic works of science fiction and Jim Jones founded the suicidal cult of Jonestown. Hey, the list might be short but at least it's interesting.
And in the name of unity, perhaps UConn dropout Moby, VCU graduate Sam Beam (who preforms as Iron & Wine), Dave Matthews Band bassist (and VCU dropout) Stefan Lessard and Wilco drummer (and Kentucky graduate) Glenn Kotche can form some kind of supergroup over the weekend. Take that, Velvet Revolver!
Keep a look out for the next few days and if you see these stars — or any others — be sure to let us know at clifford@culturemap.com.