Links We Love
A $750,000 pizza, a Doctor Who primer, easy smoothies and more
Mar 26, 2013 | 6:48 pm
Here are the links we loved today:
Why did this pizza cost $750,000?
Say hello to the Secret Service's first female director.
Wired has a Doctor Who primer in anticipation of the cult show's seventh season.
Buzzfeed blows our minds with these easy smoothie recipes.
Learn how Chris Brown won Rihanna back.
Lifehacker has tips on eating locally.
NPR excerpts Meg Wolitzer's new novel The Interestings.
Splitsider writes in praise of Happy Endings' writing staff.
The Backstreet Boys have a very timely, very weird Harlem Shake video:
The first mini episode of Sarah Silverman's new web series is here: