weekend event planner
Here are the top 10 things to do in Houston this weekend

Space City fans, do you like Mars Rovers?
This Saturday, dozens of Houston-area elementary- and middle-school students will gather at the University of Houston Student Center South Houston Room to wrap up a six-week mission to build a model rover for a science mission on the surface of Mars. Their innovative creations, which are supposed to be made from $25 worth of common household items (toilet paper, aluminum foil, paper towels, etc.) will be displayed during the 2019 Mars Rover Celebration, starting at 9 am.
If you're not in a space-age kind of mood, here are some other things going on:
Thursday, March 21
Cocktails & Conversations at The Health Museum
It looks like The Health Museum is looking to get people into their operation — and getting them to know more about their bodies — by promising booze. The museum will host its first Cocktails & Conversations event during Free Family Thursday. Susan L. Perkins, curator of the traveling exhibition The Secret World Inside You; and Dr. Herbert L. DuPont, president and CEO of the Kelsey Research Foundation, will discuss micro biomes. 6-8 pm.
Atash Kadeh Temple Grand Opening/Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Have you ever heard of the 4,000-year-old Zoroastrian faith? It's a monotheistic faith with roots in the Persian Empire that operates on the ideals of “good thoughts, good words and good deeds” and “there is only one path – the path of truth.” Those who practice this religion around these parts will be happy to learn that the Atash Kadeh Temple -- the first of its kind in the U.S. — will be opening its doors this weekend. This gives them a sacred and quiet place for worship and meditation. 7:20 pm.
Friday, March 22
The Bunny Photo Experience at Katy Mills Mill
The Easter Bunny is coming to town, people. This is not a drill! Ol' bunny will be doing photo ops at Katy Mills Mall, starting this Friday and continuing through Saturday, April 20. Not only will kids have the chance to visit with the bunny and take home a treasured snapshot of the fun occasion, people with all spectrums of special needs can enjoy this holiday tradition through sensory-friendly, Caring Bunny events on Sunday, March 31 and Sunday, April 7. 11 am.
Five Funny French Films at MFAH
It's that time of year when the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston aims to bring in cinephile Francophiles with a quintet of tummy-tickling, French comedies screening this weekend. This year, the museum has four recently released films, featuring performances from such stars as Melanie Laurent, Miou-Miou, and Oscar winner Jean Dujardin. There will be also be a screening of the 1938 film The Baker's Wife (La femme du boulanger), which Orson Welles once called "a perfect movie." 7 pm and 9:15 pm (5 pm Sunday).
2019 REELpoetry
All weekend long, the international film and poetry event known as REELpoetry will feature documentaries, artist cinefilms and videos shown at multiple venues. International, national, regional, and local poets, as well as filmmakers and artists, will be in attendance. Things will kick off at Brasil with a Houston video screening, poetry performances, and a preview of the Sonia Sanchez documentary BaddDDD Sonia Sanchez, which will screen on Saturday and Sunday. 8:30 pm.
Saturday, March 23
Theatre Under The Stars 50th Anniversary Season Gala
Do you ever think Idina Menzel is fed up with the Adele Dazeem jokes by now? We're asking because Menzel will be the headlining performer at Theatre Under The Stars's 50th Anniversary Season Gala, and it just had us thinking about that strange time John Travolta introduced the Frozen star by that name at the Oscars. Anyway, this evening honoring TUTS’ past board chairs and presidents will also feature silent and live fundraising auctions. 6:30 pm.
Mark C. Austin's Birthday Charity Concert at Heights Theater
As the manager for such phenomenal, local bands as The Tontons, Mark C. Austin has made it his priority to make sure everybody knows Houston is bubbling with top-notch, musical talent. Those who would like to thank him for his efforts can attend his 42nd birthday party this weekend, which also doubles as charity concert, with all the proceeds benefitting Life Gift of Houston. Dumpstaphunk will serve as the headlining band, with DJ Sun working the turntables. 7-11 pm.
Da Camera presents Mark Guiliana
Mark Guiliana, one of the world's leading drummers and recipient of the Best Jazz Drummer title in 2017's Modern Drummer Readers Poll, is making his debut appearance in Houston on Saturday. He'll be performing with his newest project Space Heroes, featuring bassist Chris Morrissey and saxophonists Mike Lewis and Jason Rigby. According to Guiliana, "space" is referring to the space he and his crew will be exploring since there's not a guitarist or keyboardist in this quartet. 8 pm.
Sunday, March 24
Cigna Sunday Streets 2019 Spring Season
Cigna Sunday Streets starts up another season of giving people some outdoor fun around here. They'll be hitting Midtown and Alief in April and May, respectively, but, for this weekend, they're gonna take over The Heights. Part bike tour, part walking tour, this street shindig promotes outdoor activities and health with a friendly dose of community, as well as also offer an economic stimulus for the neighborhood. Noon.
KPFT Birthday Benefit Concert at the Heights Theater
Somehow, some way, KPFT, everybody's favorite, community-based radio station, has made it to its 49th birthday. And they're celebrating with a concert bash, featuring Ruthie Foster, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Rosie Flores, Charlie Faye & the Fayettes, and The Peterson Brothers. The crew from GenerAsian Radio will be laying down world beats to kick things off. Proceeds from ticket sales will help provide much-needed support for KPFT. 4-9 pm.