march 13
A very special Links We Love, brought to you by guest writer Summer Anne Burton
Here is a very special SXSW edition of Links We Love, brought to you by Summer Anne Burton:
Springtime means it's almost baseballtime! Two awesome art projects: hand pressed letterprint baseball cards by Amelie Mancini and the Infinite Baseball Card set by Gary Cieradkowski.
Jay-Z played a SXSW show last night and no one anyone knows actually got in. But you can watch the entire set online.
Fake Pinterest @ Twitter "Miraculous surgery lets colorblind boy experience rainbow cake."
Make sequin eggs this Easter! Why? Because everything is better with sequins. Duh.
The official rules of spoilers — this is important, seeing as Mad Men starts up again on March 25.
Kitty POV cam! Watch the trailer for CatCam, and if you're attending SXSW Film, go see it for the rest of us.
"I like Oh-Heavens, my-gracious, land's-sake words, such as tricksy, tucker, genteel, horrid"
Anthony Bourdain is in town and he ate at Franklin, naturally.
In related news, red meat is bad for you.
Summer Anne Burton is a freelance writer and illustrator and an Alamo Drafthouse server who has lived in Austin for over twenty years. She is drawing pictures of Every Hall of Famer.