Shelby's Social Diary
The eve of Christmas Eve rocks for Houston party animals
- American Idol's Kimberly Caldwell and Chef Eric Aldis at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Jonathan Plumhoff, Alison Plumhoff, Ryan Zehl, and Laura Zehl atWarehouse LivePhoto by Tony Bullard
- Susan Oeho at Warehouse LivePhoto by Tony Bullard
- Mark Riddell plays bass guitar with The Good Times Christmas Group at WarehouseLivePhoto by Tony Bullard
- Alicia Rainbolt at Warehouse LivePhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Elizabeth Jensen, Zach Springer, and Will Bradley at Warehouse LivePhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Jonathan Plumhoff, Alison Plumhoff, Laura Zehl and Ryan Zehl atWarehouse LivePhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Eric Aldis, Kimberly Caldwell, and Johnny "V" Vassallo at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Amalfi Vasquez, Ali Bhatti, and Ashley Walker at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- Jennifer Glover, left, and Sandy Bell at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- Lisa Sowle, left, and Susan Lueckemeyer at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- Justin Aldis and Kristy Caldwell at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Dr. Trip Chaudhury, Jennifer Ford, and Kim Horvath at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
- From left, Gil Gertner, Lisa Sowle, Judi Ramsey and Ken Ramsey at Mo'sPhoto by Tony Bullard
T'was the night before the night before Christmas and all through the town, the party animals were rocking, steppin' up and gettin' down.
CultureMap dropped in on two gatherings Wednesday night, taking the pulse of the holiday spirit at a charity bash at Warehouse Live and checking out the scene at that always-sizzling Mo's . . . A Place for Steaks.
The thought four years ago — when a group of friends divined the idea of the "Eve of Christmas Eve Party" at Warehouse Live — was to create a really good reason to get out of the house and to hang with friends before the command-performance, strictly-family family time of Christmas eve and Christmas day.
The fourth annual bash proved that plenty of twentysomethings and thirtysomethings are just itching to jump the ranch for at least one night during the holidays. The place was packed by 10:30 p.m. and, while the dancing was slow to start, by the time DJ Ripley was really cranking, the happy feet were trekking all over the dance floor.
From the get-go, this event, which nominally raises funds (the cover is a mere $15) for selected charities, has been a hit. The turnout easily scales to 700 and, this year, the crowd estimates climbed toward 900. It was, shall we say, a joyous night for hosts Tyler McQueen, Billy O'Neil, Alison and Jonathan Plumhoff, Laura and Ryan Zehl, Emily and Ryan Sweeney, Taylor Dillingham and Meredith Riddle. And for Texas Children's Cancer Center Candlelighters.
Several miles west, in the Galleria area, Mo's was enjoying its usual high-spirited, nighttime revelry with a special guest for its holiday party — Kimberly Caldwell. The woman who placed seventh in the second season of American Idol today works as an entertainment correspondent for the TV Guide Network and has just recorded her first CD. Personal friends with Mo's chef Eric Aldis, she came in to spread the joy. A native of Katy (as is Aldis), Caldwell was in from her base in LA to spend the holidays with family.
It was your typical Mo's high-energy night with the place packed to the rafters with comely Santa's elves, a band keeping up the party tempo revved and owner Johnny "V" Vassallo loving every minute.