Seek an alternate route
Houston, prepare for a major West Loop closure this weekend

Avoid the West Loop southbound this weekend. All lanes will be closed at Woodway from Friday, November 9 at 9 pm until Monday, November 12 at 5 am, TxDOT announced.
The closure is necessary because crews will be installing steel beams as part of the work to create an elevated, dedicated bus lane from METRO's Northwest Transit Center to Post Oak Boulevard. That lane will connect into the Post Oak bus lanes that are also currently under construction, according to a statement.
During the closure, drivers will be forced to exit the West Loop at Woodway. They can reenter the freeway at the next entrance ramp. Police officers will be on hand to direct traffic through the Woodway intersection.
Even with those measures in place, forcing four lanes of traffic into one exit lane and onto one onramp means the area will likely be a giant mess with lengthy delays. West side dwellers contemplating a trip into town for a can't-miss event like the Nutcracker Market would probably be better served to take I-10 into downtown and route from there on a freeway that isn't shut down.
This weekend's closure is only the latest traffic hassle created by the project. The exit to Post Oak has been closed since April. When it reopens, the exits to Memorial and Woodway will be closed for eight months.