John O'Quinn was mourned today by 2,500 friends, family and civic leaders at Houston's Second Baptist Church.
O'Quinn was killed last week in a car accident along with his assistant, Johnny Cutliff. He is survived by his longtime companion, Darla Lexington, and her daughter, Michelle Coopwood, his aunt, Ruth O'Quinn, his cousin, Carol O'Quinn, and numerous other cousins.
The Examiner reports Gerald Treece, O'Quinn's longtime friend and executor of his estate, gave a tearful tribute to the man he called "the people's champion."
The Chronicle also quoted Treece: "Houston helped make John and John helped make Houston. They were both so robust and they were rowdy at times. They weren't perfectly sanitary. They were just bigger than life."
Bagpipes played Danny Boy as his casket was carried out before hundreds of his hometown's elite.