What rain?
America's Soggy Sweethearts: Weather Channel touts Houston's rain over evenSeattle's
- Hello, Houston! Oh, you're flooded? It must've rained.
- We get a lot of these sunshine-y days, but we get equal parts Debbie Downpour,it seems.
Scoot over, Seattle. Shove off, Syracuse. There's a new poncho-inspired champion on the block, and it ain't either of you.
What we're saying is, your city isn't The Weather Channel's Best Location for Rain.
But then, what city is?
Pull back your curtains, Houston. You're looking at the city hand-picked by The Weather Channel elites.
Surprised? No one that's ever spent time in our marshy metropolis should be. Although our current rainfall hasn't been the best showing, new recruits, we assure you, it rains here.
After a week-long series of polls on Facebook and Twitter to suss out America's Best Climates, it's no surprise that The Weather Channel editorial meteorologist Jonathan Erdman chose Houston as the Best Climate for Rain in the country.
Viewers chose Astoria, Ore., but seriously, what do they know anyway?
"From a meteorologist's point of view, even rain is bigger in Texas," gushed Erdman. "Have you seen it rain in Houston? I mean, really rain in Houston?"
Why, yes, weather man, we've been here in May and June. But we understand it's your job to enlighten the skeptical masses. Carry on.
So, what factors, pray tell, earned Houston a rain-soaked thumbs up from the mortal gods of weather?
"Close proximity to deep Gulf moisture plus the potential for larger-scale weather systems and individual thunderstorms clusters to stall over the city can set the stage for huge deluges," Erdman explained.
Besides being an incredible, breathless statement, indeed, it's all stuff with which we are acutely acquainted. But we'll take the title, stick it in our arks, and float on it anyway.
Seattle, you can have your doom-and-gloom skies. Syracuse, you can have your street-blocking snowfall. We'll see your inclement weather and raise you a mid-afternoon cloudburst.
Oh, that's right. WE WIN.