Like most people, I detest jury duty. But I show up because it's my civic duty — and I don't want to get arrested or fined for not showing up.
So I recently showed up at the Harris County Jury Assembly Room, praying that I wouldn't get selected.
A couple of improvements: Wireless in the room, speakers in the adjoining break room, where food is available. Also TV, although not sure about the selection. It was CNN, but people complained. Then switched to Fox News and people complained. So switched to scintillating C-Span.
Only four -- better to be selected on a Tuesday than a Monday, they said. And 12:15 was a reasonable hour to show up.
But got called and No. 9 -- not a promising sign.
Traipsed to a courtroom, divorce case where splitting the property is the issue.
Learned have to talk.
Learned that if you're a reporter probably won't get selected.
Ask how long it will last. Look at the clock a lot.
How one guy said noticed attorney didn't have a button.