best year
Blooming Houston group shatters record for most trees planted across city in a single year

Tree planting does more than beautify an area; studies show that new trees can cut carbon dioxide levels, battle pollution, aid in flood control, and more. Perfect timing, then, for the Bayou City’s leading tree activists to report a record year.
Trees for Houston shattered its single-season distribution record this year, the organization announced. The organization planted and distributed a record 60,035 trees through 200 tree plantings and 71 tree distribution events. That adds up to nearly three times the annual total of 23,000 trees, per a press release.
The organization credits much of this growth to more visibility for its drive-through tree distribution events, where locals can pick up free trees to plant in their yards, and also get planting instructions and guidance.
Typically, some 1,000 trees are given away during Trees for Houston’s two-hour tree giveaway events.
“Our partners and volunteers are an integral part of the organization and allow us to continue expanding the green canopy in the Greater Houston area,” said Trees For Houston executive director, Barry Ward, in a statement. “The trees we plant are living infrastructure and will benefit the community for generations to come. They act as sound walls, water and air filters, and shade structures. They sequester air pollution, reduce cooling bills, slow down floodwater, fight erosion, cool our summer streets, and increase our property values.”
In April, the organization broke ground on its new, $3 million headquarters and tree nursery. The nonprofit has planted some 740,000 trees across the southeast Texas region since its founding in 1983.