Tot Mom Drama
Casey Anthony feels the heat from fake babysitter: Expected to be forced toanswer for Caylee's death
- Case Anthony in court July 2011
- Caylee AnthonyAngelocracy News and Politics
- A portion of the memorial for Caylee Anthony near where her body was found Dec.11, 2008. The girl was last reported seen June 16, 2008, and was reportedmissing July 15 that same year.Photo by Scott Todd/Wiki
Casey Anthony is going back to trial. But this time she's not being called in on charges of murdering her 2-year-old (Anthony was infamously found not guilty of that).
Instead, the Tot Mom is being sued for defamation of character.
The plaintiff is none other than the fake babysitter Anthony accused of kidnapping her daughter Caylee. Or at least a woman who has the name of the babysitter Anthony made up. Zenaida Gonzalez claims that Anthony ruined her reputation, so she filed a lawsuit.
Now Anthony could be forced to come out of hiding and face Zenaida Gonzalez in court.
Since last year's controversial trial, Anthony has spent her time changing her appearance and hiding out. That's what you do when you're the most hated woman in America.
Now Anthony could be forced to come out of hiding and face Zenaida Gonzalez in court. Anthony invoked the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination at the deposition for the civil trial, but will most likely be unable to do so again because her appeal for lying to law enforcement (something she was convicted of) is expected to be heard soon. Which would mean she will be ordered to answer questions concerning Caylee's death under oath in the civil case.
"(Casey) has just filed her initial brief. If she wins her appeal and the charges are thrown out, then there is no Fifth Amendment privilege and we expect her to talk at trial," John Dill, one of the lawyers representing Gonzalez, told RaderOnline. "If she loses her appeal, we believe she will have to talk as well because there is no criminal charge pending.
"So resolution of her appeal one way or the other is helpful to us."
The civil trial is scheduled to start in January.