Links we love today
Free summer reading, meeting the BurritoBot, the real "Little Jerry Seinfeld"and more
Here are the links we loved today:
Harper Perennial publishers are giving away this PDF of 40 stories for your summer reading pleasure.
15 comedy documentaries streaming on Netflix.
How do we feel about Michael Phelps’ mustache?
Robots now aiding in search for Amelia Earhart's wreck.
The BBC profiles Jack White.
A former member of the Westboro Baptist Church did a Reddit IAMA.
Flavorwire recommends books for fans of Girls.
Been wondering what Europe’s top 5 summer jams are?
It’s never hot enough for an ice cube vest.
7 owl-shaped Japanese police stations.
When the zombie apocalypse comes, Bangor, Maine will be prepared.
In the most adorable sports story of all time, the Mets have named the new unofficiall mascot, an actual chicken, “Little Jerry Seinfeld.”
The BurritoBot is a thing that we hope eventually exists:
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