soak it up
Summer solstice savvy: A fool-safe plan for the longest day of 2010
- Hit the links.
- Matt & Kim of Matt & Kim
- Aerosol Warefare's Gonzo247
- Host a lovely Wiccan dinner party!
- Waugh and Memorial Dr., the site of many rites.Courtesy photo
Summer holidays like Memorial and Independence days come with their assumed set of celebrations, but what's one to do on this most auspicious day, the summer solstice? It's the longest stretch of daylight of the year — take note of our suggestions for making the most of it.
1. Leisure summer sports, the likes of croquet and badminton, require sunshine. Enjoy a mint julep on a regulation croquet field (or whatever tiny patch of grass you can get your hands on), while perfecting your preppiest farmer's tan yet.
2. Get in the spirit by blasting Matt & Kim's "Daylight":
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In case you're already "over" the 2009 track, then you clearly haven't heard De La Soul's remix:
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3. Aerosol Warfare is having a $10 sale, in which posters, T-shirts, artwork, vinyl toys and more are offered at reduced prices at Gonzo247's gallery. The extra daylight hours will come in handy when you're navigating EaDo's shadier alleys.
4. With the cost of taking it to the tanning bed soaring thanks to taxes, take advantage of the extra supply of rays. Find a favorite lounge chair at one of Houston's hottest hotel pools, and don't fret about lugging a magazine or newspaper to the pool — CultureMap is on your iPhone.
5. Stick to the ritualistic rites of the solstice. The midsummer Wiccan celebration of Litha is often celebrated with a dinner party, boasting an appetizing menu of recipes that can be enjoyed by pagans and yuppies alike.
Or take your anti-Christ activities to the streets: Cute cult-like activities can always be conducted by the crepe myrtle tree circles surrounding the traffic clover at Waugh and Memorial Drive.