Partying Mayoral Style
Annise Parker celebrates her birthday with Italian cream cake, home improvement
May 18, 2010 | 11:04 am
- Happy Birthday, Mayor Annise Parker, named lucky No. 13 in "Time" magazine'srecent List of 2010's most influential people in the world.
- Staff surprised Mayor Parker with cake and a couple of gifts, including a workapron from Southland Hardware for all those repairs and projects around herhistoric home.
Mayor Annise Parker turned 54 yesterday amidst the hubbub of a standard workday.
Parker's staff surprised her late in the afternoon with cake — her favorite, Italian Créme — and a work apron from Southland hardware for her myriad home improvement projects, according to her communications director, Janice Evans. (Parker and her partner own a historic home in the Montrose area).
Parker joked that she'll need a day off to make use of the apron and finally see some of those projects to fruition. A cake and an apron are the mayor's birthday bounty?
Hey, all politicians can't live as large as Rick Perry.