Links we love today
Maurice Sendak's greatest quotes, Jon Hamm's freestyle rap, a real-life MarioKart and more
Here are the links we loved today:
In honor of the late, beloved author and illustrator Maurice Sendak, 20 of his greatest quotes.
Did you participate in Pynchon in Public Day?
Newly launched site Credictive aims to be “IMDB for creative content.”
Notes from the recent David Foster Wallace symposium held at UT’s Harry Ransom Center.
The Rumpus interviews GOOD editor Ann Friedman.
Geek out over this Abbey Road webcam.
Jon Hamm raps about Taxi in this bonus clip from Comedy Bang! Bang!
MIT student builds a working Mario Kart (and you can, too).
The Atlantic Wire explores how Joe Biden “is like the Second First Lady.”
Book designing tips from the expert, Chip Kidd.
Skrillex is touring Canada in a train, if you want a tip on where not to go for your summer vacation.
The Magnetic Fields new video, for “Quick!”, brings Oscar the Grouch to life:
Veep star / UCB co-founder Matt Walsh tells Conan about his time teaching improv to the Harlem Globetrotters:
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