That happened
It's Kick-Ass come to life: Real superheroes foil comic-store caper
A guy walks into a comic store.
If you think you know how this one ends, you're wrong.
The aforementioned guy attempted to lift a pricey X-Man Omnibus (whatever that is) from the store, only to be valiantly stopped by Spider-Man, The Flash and a couple of Jedis — all without a single punch being thrown.
It all went down in Australia, where a comic book store was holding a promotional event for International Free Comic Day. One customer took the freebie offer too seriously, and tried to make off with a valuable comic valued at around $160. The shop owner, who was dressed as Spider-Man, confronted the thief, confiscated his bag and had the man arrested with the assistance of his colleague, who was dressed as The Flash, and a couple of Jedis, who helped obstruct the exit with their light sabers. (That. Happened.)
It sounds like a scene from Kick-Ass, but it was decidedly less action-packed. The "confrontation" was more of a simple bag grab, and the alleged thief didn't so much as break into a power-walk to the exit.
Still, makes for a pretty good story. Watch the anticlimactic video here: