braking good
Traffic relief: New Southmore bridge over SH-288 to open this summer
May 2, 2019 | 6:05 pm

This construction will soon be complete.
As Houston commuters are painfully aware, the Southmore bridge at SH-288 was torn down last year.
Now, those same commuters have cause to celebrate, as crews expect to open the brand new Southmore bridge over SH-288.
Officials say there will be two lanes running in each direction, along with a separate pedestrian bridge, which is expected to open this winter.
The new bridge is expected to improve mobility around the Third Ward and traffic in and out of the Medical Center.
Also this summer, crews will open three lanes of I-610 at the SH-288 interchange. Currently, only two lanes are open.
For more on this story, including video, visit our content partner ABC13.