We ♥ HOU
From hard hat to top hat: Gayla Bentley loves Houston men
Gayla Bentley is a vivacious local fashion designer who designs with the full-figured woman in mind. She hails originally from Rhode Island, has appeared on ABC's "Shark Tank" and dressed stars like Gabourey Sidibe (star of the Oscar-nominated "Precious") for her appearance on Letterman.
We asked the fabulous Ms. Bentley what her favorite thing about Houston was, and she didn't miss a beat: The men.
My favorite thing about Houston is the men. They are so charming and so handsome, and they have this wonderful accent. I was very fortunate to meet a fabulous Houstonian myself, and marry him. We've been married 22 years, and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. My husband is a petroleum engineer, and he can be out on the rig and then at a black-tie dinner both in the same day.
What I love is that men here go hard hat to top hat with such ease. I love that Texan men have a ruggedness and gentleness all in the same person.
And I was impressed from the minute I stepped off the plane — they had me at baggage claim. It's so charming that you see these men in suits with cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. And the next one's always even more handsome than the one that just walked by!
Just today I was at lunch, and the man I was with kissed my hand as I was leaving. Dahling, I love it! And here I thought I was acting rather demure, if that's possible. Then when I got to the parking lot, there were these two Abercrombie model-looking guys just standing there, working on their fishing rods. That's it, I'm signing on to stay another 25 years. I am so glad I crossed the Mason Dixon line.
Men just have a different way of doing things in the East. It's not that there's anything wrong with men back home, but here the men allow women to be strong. There is no competition here, it's just, "let's all be the best we can be, together."