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Dating dividends: The perks of pretty (fabulous) friends
- Courtesy photo
I don’t remember the last time I’ve been courted so ardently.
My drinks are paid for, he’s constantly checking in and checking up and the compliments flow like the wine he keeps buying.
After college-world, a place full of liaisons so informal that I termed them “hang and bang relationships,” because, as one fratty friend so eloquently put it, all he and his girlfriend did was “hang out and bang out,” such treatment is a welcome adjustment.
I’m unaccustomed to being doted on so dutifully, and the fact that my wooer is hooking up with one of my closest friends doesn’t bother me in the least.
In fact, I hope it keeps up, because I’m enjoying the attention.
At this point, it might be best if I clarify. I’ve recently found myself in the propitious position of being the intermediary between one of my girlfriends and the guy that’s after her.
Someone must’ve taught the boy that the way to a woman’s heart is through her friends, because I’ve never been flattered and charmed so deliberately.
It’s a rare and fortuitous thing when a guy you know decides to pursue one of your friends — less rare when your friends are as good looking as mine — and it’s something to take full advantage of.
Played right, you can leverage your unfettered access to your girlfriends’ likes and dislikes, turn-ons and pet peeves, prep him for her idiosyncrasies and be the happy recipient of myriad perks in return. (Once I got roses as a thank you for what can only be described as my counseling services, and my co-worker is currently driving a convertible BMW on loan from her roommate’s hopeful paramour.)
Recently a young man who scored a date with one of my good friends revealed his plans for the evening to me just hours before. Horror of horrors, he thought he’d just meet her at the restaurant. Now, it’s not that I don’t understand his logic (he didn’t want to trap her if she found him as intolerable as he feared) but not picking her up would have been a definite deal breaker.
Thanks to my intervention, they’re still loved up a dozen dates later.
The way I see it, it’s a win-win-win situation. Boy gets girl, girl gets a boy who's months ahead on the progress curve thanks to my guidance, and I get all the benefits of the infatuation phase without any of the pesky obligations.
I’ve got more single friends up for grabs; call us.