Ain't so bad, is we?
Trigger happy? Think again: Texas noticeably absent from 20 deadliest gun stateslist
As the nation continues to wait with fingers crossed for the recovery of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the Daily Beast took it upon itself to take a look at gun violence among the states relative to their gun laws. We usually don't put a lot of stock in Daily Beast's compulsive rankings, but the conclusion that seven of the 20 states with the strictest gun laws have gun-related death rates that are higher than the national average had our interest piqued.
There was an old joke that Survivor producers, instead of relegating contestants to an isolated island paradise, should take a more literal approach and have them drive across Texas with a bumper sticker that read "We're homosexual vegetarians and we're here to take your guns."
Though we're often stereotyped as trigger happy and eager to secede, Texas is noticeably absent from the list of deadliest gun states.
The state where you're most likely to be shot and killed is Mississippi, with around 18 gun deaths per 100,000, followed by Arizona (shocking) with 15 gun deaths per 100,000 — and the most permissive gun laws in the country.
The rest of the rankings are as follows: No. 3 Alaska, followed by Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Idaho, Georgia, Missouri, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida.
So how did Texas escape an expected top 20 ranking? Tell us what you think — many Texans grew up around firearms. Are we just a saner, calmer bunch, or do we just know our way around our weapons?