The Crazy Season

Cathouse hookers love Ron Paul, Rick Santorum's sweater vests catch on & Mitt isMittens

  • "Pimpin' for Paul": Moonlight Bunny Ranch ladies have endorsed Ron Paul for thesecond election in a row.
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  • Rick "Sweater Vest" Santorum is making fashion waves with those no-sleevev-necks.
    Photo via
  • Mitt Romney might benefit from legally changing his name to 'Mittens.'
    Photo via

Some things have come from the race for the Republican presidential nomination that might have been better left unknown — like revelations of Herman Cain's promiscuity, Newt Gingrich's unsavory corporate ties and Michele Bachmann's crazy eyes.

But a few downright hilarious tidbits have recently come to light with caucus season. For instance:

The man has been campaigning for nearly five years, but only six percent of respondents to a 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll knew that 'Mitt' is a moniker for Willard.

Twenty percent posited that 'Mitt' was his real name, while 18 percent guessed 'Mitchell' and eight percent guessed 'Milton.' Forty-four percent responded 'Don't know,' two percent believed Romney was a 'Gromit' and another two percent thought that Mitt was a shortening of 'Mittens.' How cute!

  • Rick Santorum is bringing back the sweater vest, but not in the preppy way, or even really the geeky way: The former Pennsylvania senator favors those bulky knits of the gut-hugging, grandpa-chic variety.

As soon as Santorum doffed his sleeves, he began turning heads. Now 'Rick's Sweater Vest' has a Twitter, and Santorum's campaign has designed a line of official vests with embroidered lapels.

"We thought real closely about supporting Gingrich — because he's a cheater — and we like cheaters," said Dennis Hof, owner of the HBO Cathouse featured Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada. He surveyed more than 500 girls to determine who would win the club's weighty endorsement.

"A lot of [the girls] supported Obama last time," Hof said. "But because he signed a bill allowing for human consumption of wild horses . . . the girls don't want any part of Obama."

What other humorous things are taking place in the political sphere?
