The documentary This is Home follows the lives of four Syrian families as they transition from life in Syria to adjusting in the United States. Displaced from their homes and separated from loved ones, they are given eight months of assistance from the International Rescue Committee to become self-sufficient. As they learn to adapt to challenges such as learning English, getting a job, and being separated from family due to the newly imposed travel ban, their strength and resilience are tested.
It is a universal story, highlighted by humor and heartbreak, about what it's like to start over, no matter the obstacles. We witness the families' struggles and triumphs up close through the drama of everyday life. Through intimate access, this cinema vérité film takes a fresh look at the classic American immigration story and challenges us to see past differences to find common ground.
This is Home goes beyond the statistics, headlines, and political rhetoric to tell deeply personal stories, putting a human face on the global refugee crisis.
The documentary This is Home follows the lives of four Syrian families as they transition from life in Syria to adjusting in the United States. Displaced from their homes and separated from loved ones, they are given eight months of assistance from the International Rescue Committee to become self-sufficient. As they learn to adapt to challenges such as learning English, getting a job, and being separated from family due to the newly imposed travel ban, their strength and resilience are tested.
It is a universal story, highlighted by humor and heartbreak, about what it's like to start over, no matter the obstacles. We witness the families' struggles and triumphs up close through the drama of everyday life. Through intimate access, this cinema vérité film takes a fresh look at the classic American immigration story and challenges us to see past differences to find common ground.
This is Home goes beyond the statistics, headlines, and political rhetoric to tell deeply personal stories, putting a human face on the global refugee crisis.
The documentary This is Home follows the lives of four Syrian families as they transition from life in Syria to adjusting in the United States. Displaced from their homes and separated from loved ones, they are given eight months of assistance from the International Rescue Committee to become self-sufficient. As they learn to adapt to challenges such as learning English, getting a job, and being separated from family due to the newly imposed travel ban, their strength and resilience are tested.
It is a universal story, highlighted by humor and heartbreak, about what it's like to start over, no matter the obstacles. We witness the families' struggles and triumphs up close through the drama of everyday life. Through intimate access, this cinema vérité film takes a fresh look at the classic American immigration story and challenges us to see past differences to find common ground.
This is Home goes beyond the statistics, headlines, and political rhetoric to tell deeply personal stories, putting a human face on the global refugee crisis.