World Affairs Council of Houston presents Senator George Mitchell

Photo courtesy of United States Department of State

Tensions remain high between the U.S. and Russia over the purported use of chemical weapons in Syria. The outcome of the U.N. Resolution currently in progress will not only impact the relationship between these powerful nations, but also send a message to spectating countries about chemical weapon tolerance. With much at stake, there is perhaps no more crucial time to reevaluate what it means to be an effective negotiator.

Senator George J. Mitchell does just that in his memoir, The Negotiator: Reflections on an American Life. In his book, Senator Mitchell details what it takes to carry out successful negotiations in high-stakes environments. He delves into each stage of his career, revealing the ways in which his highly varied experiences granted him valuable insights into the art of negotiation.




Junior League of Houston
1811 Briar Oaks Ln.
Houston, TX 77027


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