World Affairs Council of Houston hosts "The Next Step for Egypt - Securing Good Governance and Building Economic Growth"

World Affairs Council of Houston

Egypt needs jobs for people across society and with different skill levels. But the economic and political structure does not appear particularly conducive to individual economic initiative. The country ranks No. 96 in the Index of Economic Freedom (out of 179 states) and No. 94 in the Doing Business rankings (out of 183 countries). What must Egypt do now to create stability and economic growth for its people?

Mohamed El Dahshan, a professor of Development Economics at Ain-Shams University in Cairo, will address the topic. He is also an international development consultant and works with organizations such as the African Development Bank, UNDP and the World Bank. El Dahshan works with national governments and research centers on issues of private sector development and entrepreneurship, with a special focus on post-conflict countries.



Junior League of Houston
1811 Briar Oaks Ln.
Houston, TX 77027


$20 general public; free for World Affairs Council members.
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