White Linen Night Street Art Party at Jenni's Noodle House


The "Noodlehood" aka Jenni's Noodle House has teamed up with Megahost Gallery to take White Linen Night in the Heights to the streets. Underground artists, who rarely see the light of day, will emerge with canvases in tow, giving guests an exclusive opportunity to purchase street art.

DJ Elroy Boggie will be on hand to provide fresh beats while guests sip on Jenni Juice — a summer time concoction of saki and limeade, with just twist of fizz.



Jenni's Noodle House - Heights
602 East 20th St.
Houston, TX 77008


Admission is free
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.